Packages/Applications (Development/Tools)

Filter by package name:
  • bmake : The NetBSD make(1) tool
  • boost-bjam : A low-level build tool
  • boost-build : Cross platform build system for C++ projects
  • breezy : Friendly distributed version control system
  • buildstream : Build/integrate software stacks
  • buildstream-docs : BuildStream documentation
  • ccache : Compiler Cache
  • chavier : GUI application for exploring the pycha library
  • chibi : A small-footprint library for use as a C Extension Language
  • chibi-devel : Development files for the chibi package
  • chrpath : Command line tool to adjust the RPATH or RUNPATH of ELF binaries
  • cloc : Count lines of code
  • codelite : A powerful open-source, cross platform C/C++/PHP IDE
  • codespell : Find and fix common misspellings in text files
  • colordiff : Wrapper for diff that produces output with syntax highlighting
  • commit-patch : A utility that lets you check select portions of a file into a VCS
  • crash : Kernel analysis utility for live systems, netdump, diskdump, kdump, LKCD or mcore dumpfiles
  • crash-devel : kernel crash analysis utility for live systems, netdump, diskdump, kdump, LKCD or mcore dumpfiles
  • cross-binutils-common : Cross-build binary utility documentation and translation files
  • ctags : Generates an index (or "tag") file for objects found in source files
  • diff-so-fancy : Good looking diffs
  • distcc : Distributed C/C++ compilation
  • distcc-gnome : Gnome frontend of distcc monitoring tool
  • distcc-server : Server for distributed C/C++ compilation
  • dtc : Device Tree Compiler
  • dumpet : A tool to dump and debug bootable CD images
  • edk2-qosb : Tool to enroll secureboot
  • edk2-tools : EFI Development Kit II Tools
  • edk2-tools-doc : Documentation for EFI Development Kit II Tools
  • edk2-tools-python : EFI Development Kit II Tools
  • emacs-slime : The superior lisp interaction mode for emacs
  • emacs-slime-el : Elisp source files for emacs-slime
  • erlang-basho_stats : Basic Erlang statistics library
  • erlang-bear : A set of statistics functions for erlang
  • erlang-folsom : Erlang-based metrics system
  • erlang-hyper : An implementation of the HyperLogLog algorithm in Erlang
  • erlang-ibrowse : Erlang HTTP client
  • erlang-mochiweb : An Erlang library for building lightweight HTTP servers
  • erlang-rebar : Erlang Build Tools
  • erlang-setup : Generic setup utility for Erlang-based systems
  • erlang-snappy : An Erlang NIF wrapper for Google's snappy library
  • erlang-stdlib2 : Erlang stdlib extensions
  • faketime : Report faked system time to programs
  • fife : Cross-platform game creation framework
  • fltk-fluid : Fast Light User Interface Designer: GUI builder for FLTK
  • fossil : Simple, high-reliability, distributed, software configuration management
  • fpgui : Widget set to develop cross-platform GUI software using fpc
  • gameconqueror : CheatEngline-alike interface for scanmem
  • gdb : A stub package for GNU source-level debugger
  • gdb-gdbserver : A standalone server for GDB (the GNU source-level debugger)
51-100 of 350.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.