Packages/Applications (System/Libraries)

Filter by package name:
  • open-vm-tools-desktop : User experience components for Open Virtual Machine Tools
  • opencolorio : A complete color management solution
  • opencryptoki : Implementation of the PKCS#11 (Cryptoki) specification v3.0
  • opencryptoki-icsftok : ICSF token support for opencryptoki
  • opencryptoki-swtok : The software token implementation for opencryptoki
  • opencryptoki-tpmtok : Trusted Platform Module (TPM) device support for opencryptoki
  • openctm : Library for compression of 3D triangle meshes
  • openctm-doc : Documentation for openctm library and tools
  • opendbx-common : Common files for opendbx
  • opendht : A C++17 Distributed Hash Table implementation
  • openimageio : Library for reading and writing images
  • openjpeg : An open-source JPEG 2000 codec
  • openjpeg2 : An open-source JPEG 2000 codec
  • openldap-back_bdb : Berkeley DB backends for OpenLDAP server
  • openldap-back_mdb : Lightning Memory-Mapped Database backend for OpenLDAP server
  • openldap-back_sql : Module sql for OpenLDAP
  • openscap : Set of open source libraries enabling integration of the SCAP line of standards
  • openscenegraph : A C++ scene graph API on OpenGL for real time graphics
  • openscenegraph34 : A C++ scene graph API on OpenGL for real time graphics
  • openssl : Secure Sockets Layer communications libs & utils
  • openssl-perl : Perl scripts provided with OpenSSL
  • openvas-libraries : Support libraries for Open Vulnerability Assessment (OpenVAS) Server
  • openvdb : C++ library for sparse volumetric data discretized on three-dimensional grids
  • openzwave : Library to access Z-Wave interfaces
  • osinfo-db : Osinfo database files
  • ots : A text summarizer
  • p11-kit : Load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules
  • p11-kit-trust : System trust module from p11-kit
  • pam : A security tool which provides authentication for applications
  • pam-doc : Additional documentation for pam
  • pam-google-authenticator : Two-Factor Authentication Module that uses Google Authenticator
  • pam-pgsql : Postgresql authentication for PAM
  • pam-python : Support for writing PAM modules in Python
  • pam_abl : Auto blacklisting of hosts and users
  • pam_cap : PAM module for getting and setting POSIX.1e capabilities
  • pam_ccreds : A caching pam module for disconnected operation
  • pam_cgroup : A Pluggable Authentication Module for libcgroup
  • pam_krb5 : A Pluggable Authentication Module for Kerberos 5
  • pam_mysql : MySQL authentication for PAM
  • pam_oath : A PAM module for HOTP/TOTP one-time password authentication
  • pam_pwquality : PAM module to perform password quality checking
  • pam_snapper : PAM module for calling snapper
  • pam_ssh : A Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) for use with SSH
  • pam_tcb : PAM module for TCB
  • pam_yubico : Provides support for One Time Passwords (OTP) authentication
  • pcsc-spy : PCSC API spy
  • pentaho-reporting-flow-engine : Pentaho Flow Reporting Engine
  • perl-GraphViz : Graphviz bindings for perl
  • perl-Locale-PO : Locale::PO - Perl module for manipulating .po entries from GNU gettext
  • perl-Makefile-Parser : Makefile::Parser - A simple parser for Makefiles
4001-4050 of 4265.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.