Packages/Applications (Editors)

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  • libgtksourceview3.0_1 : Source code viewing library
  • libgtksourceview4_0 : Source code viewing library
  • marave : A text editor that helps you focus on writing
  • medit : Multiplatform GTK+2 text editor
  • mousepad : A simple text editor for Xfce
  • mp : Minimum Profit Text Editor
  • nano : Tiny console text editor that aims to emulate Pico
  • nedit : A text editor for the X Window System
  • neovim : Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
  • neovim-data : Data files for neovim
  • neovim-gtk-docs : GTK UI for Neovim
  • neovim-qt : Neovim client library and GUI, in Qt5
  • notepadqq : A Linux clone of Notepad++
  • padre : Perl Application Development and Refactoring Environment
  • pluma : Small but powerful text editor for MATE
  • poedit : Gettext translation file editor
  • python2-pynvim : Python client for Neovim
  • python3-neovim-remote : Control nvim processes using "nvr" commandline tool
  • python3-pynvim : Python client for Neovim
  • qxmledit : Simple XML editor and XSD viewer
  • scite : SCIntilla based GTK+3 text editor
  • tea : A powerful Qt-based editor with useful functions for HTML and LaTeX editing
  • texmacs : WYSIWYW scientific text editor
  • vim-common : The common files needed by any version of the VIM editor
  • vim-enhanced : A version of the VIM editor which includes recent enhancements
  • vim-halibut : Syntax file for the halibut manual tool
  • vim-minimal : A minimal version of the VIM editor
  • vim-powerline : Powerline VIM plugin
  • vim-X11 : The VIM version of the vi editor for the X Window System
  • vis : A vi-like editor based on Plan 9's structural regular expressions
  • why3-emacs : Emacs support file for why3 files
  • wordgrinder : A word processor which gets out of your way
  • wordgrinder-gui : A X11 word processor which gets out of your way
  • wxhexeditor : A hex editor that supports files up to 2^64 bytes
  • xed : A small and lightweight text editor
  • zim : A desktop wiki and outliner
51-86 of 86.
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This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.