
Filter by package name:
  • emacs-ess-doc : Emacs Speaks Statistics Documentation
  • emacs-leim : GNU Emacs Lisp code for international input methods
  • emacs-nox : GNU Emacs text editor without support for X11
  • emacs-puppet : Syntax highlighting for puppet manifests in emacs
  • emacs-slime : The superior lisp interaction mode for emacs
  • emacs-slime-el : Elisp source files for emacs-slime
  • emacs-tuareg-mode : OCaml mode for Emacs/XEmacs
  • emerald : Window Decorator for Compiz
  • emerald-themes : Themes for Emerald, a window decorator for Compiz
  • emerillon : A map viewer for GNOME
  • emerillon-devel : Development package for emerillon
  • emerillon-vala : Vala Development package for emerillon
  • emma : Code Coverage Tool
  • emma-javadoc : Javadoc for emma
  • empathy : A IM client based on Telepathy framework
  • emprint : E17 screen capture utility
  • enblend : Tool for compositing images
  • enca : A program that can detect and convert between character sets
  • encfs : Encrypted pass-through filesystem for Linux
  • enchant : An enchanting spell checking library
  • endless-sky : A space exploration and combat game similar to Escape Velocity
  • endless-sky-data : Data files for the Endless Sky game
  • endless-sky-high-dpi : High-DPI graphics for Endless Sky
  • engauge-digitizer : Convert graphs or map files into numbers
  • engauge-digitizer-doc : HTML documentation of engauge-digitizer
  • engauge-digitizer-samples : Sample files for engauge-digitizer
  • engrampa : An archive manager for MATE Desktop
  • enigma : Puzzle game similar to Oxyd
  • enigma-data : Data files for the Enigma game
  • enjoy : Music player written using Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
  • enki : Advanced text editor for programmers
  • enlightenment : Enlightenment window manager
  • enlightenment-devel : Enlightenment library headers and development libraries
  • enscript : Converts plain ASCII to PostScript
  • entangle : Tethered Camera Control & Capture
  • envoy : A ssh/gpg-agent wrapper leveraging cgroups and systemd/socket activation
  • enzo : An adaptive mesh refinement code for astrophysical calculations
  • eog : The Eye of GNOME image viewer
  • eog-devel : C headers needed to build EOG plugins
  • eog-plugins : Plugins for the Eye of GNOME image viewer
  • eom : Eye of MATE image viewer
  • eom-devel : C headers needed to build EOM plugins
  • epdfview : Simple and lightweight PDF viewer
  • epgsearch-devel : Development headers of epgsearch VDR plugin
  • ephoto : Enlightenment photo manager
  • epic5 : (E)nhanced (P)rogrammable (I)RC-II (C)lient
  • epiphany : GNOME web browser based on the webkit rendering engine
  • epsoneplijs : Ghostscript IJS Plugin for the Epson EPL-5700L/5800L/5900L/6100L/6200L printers
  • epydoc : Edward Loper's API Documentation Generation Tool
  • erebus : Open-source real-time RPG with multiple quests and random dungeons
2501-2550 of 28183.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.