
Filter by package name:
  • canorus : A music score editor
  • canorus-doc : Canorus documentation
  • canta : A platform-independent karaoke (singstar-like) Game
  • cantata : Graphical client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD)
  • canto : The next generation Canto RSS daemon
  • cantor : KDE Interface for doing Mathematics and Scientific Computing
  • cantor-devel : Devel stuff for cantor
  • cantor-handbook : Cantor Handbook
  • cardpics : Some Card images
  • caribou : A simplified in-place on-screen keyboard
  • caribou-gtk2 : GTK2 Integration for caribou
  • caribou-gtk3 : GTK3 Integration for caribou
  • carmetal : Dynamic geometry software
  • carol-irmi : Intercepting RMI implementation for the Java platform
  • carol-irmi-javadoc : Javadoc for carol-irmi
  • caspar : Makefile snippets for common tasks
  • castor : An open source data binding framework for Java
  • castor-javadoc : API documentation for castor
  • castor-maven-plugin : Maven plugin for Castor XML's code generator
  • castor-maven-plugin-javadoc : Javadoc for castor-maven-plugin
  • catarina : Set of tools useful for audio production
  • catcodec : Sample catalog decoder and encoder for OpenTTD
  • catdoc : A program which converts Microsoft office files to plain text
  • catfish : A handy file search tool
  • catia : Set of tools useful for audio production
  • cbi-plugins : A set of helpers for Eclipse CBI
  • cbi-plugins-javadoc : Javadoc for cbi-plugins
  • cboard : Console frontend of gnuchess
  • ccache : Compiler Cache
  • ccd2iso : CloneCD image to ISO image file converter
  • ccid : Generic USB CCID smart card reader driver
  • cclive : A tool for downloading media from YouTube and similar websites
  • ccp : Program that reads configuration files and upgrades them
  • ccss : Preprocessor for CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
  • cdemu-client : Command-line client for controlling CDEmu daemon
  • cdemu-daemon : Userspace daemon part of the CDemu suite
  • cdi-api : CDI API
  • cdi-api-javadoc : API documentation for cdi-api
  • cdi2iso : Convert DiskJuggler CD Images to ISO
  • cdialog : A utility for creating TTY dialog boxes
  • cdogs-sdl : Open source, classic overhead run-and-gun game
  • cdp : An interactive text-mode program for controlling audio CD-ROMs
  • cdparanoia : Utility to copy digital audio CDs
  • cdrdao : Cdrdao - Write CDs in disk-at-once mode
  • cdrdao-gcdmaster : Graphical front end to cdrdao for creating audio CDs
  • cdrdao-toc2mp3 : Command line MP3 encoder front end to cdrdao
  • cdrkit : A command line CD/DVD-Recorder
  • cdrkit-genisoimage : Creates an image of an ISO9660 filesystem
  • cdrkit-icedax : CD-Audio to .wav converter
  • cdrkit-isotools : Collection of ISO files related tools
1201-1250 of 25315.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.