Packages/Applications (File tools)

Filter by package name:
  • ac3info : A tool to display ac3 properties
  • agrep : Approximate matching
  • apachegrep : A grep tool for apache log files
  • baobab : Disk Usage Analyzer (aka Baobab)
  • bsdiff : Binary diff/patch utility
  • bulk-extractor : A forensic media scanning and analysis tool
  • catfish : A handy file search tool
  • cksfv : Simple File Verification program
  • clamav : An anti-virus utility for Unix
  • clamtk : Easy to use front-end for ClamAV
  • convmv : Converts filenames from one encoding to another
  • dc3dd : Patched version of GNU dd for use in computer forensics
  • dcfldd : Improved dd, useful for forensics and security
  • dnotify : Execute command when directory changes
  • dolphin : File manager for KDE focusing on usability
  • dosfstools : Utilities to create and check MS-DOS FAT filesystems
  • encfs : Encrypted pass-through filesystem for Linux
  • ext3grep : Investigation and recovery tool for ext3 filesystem
  • extract : Show meta-data from files of arbitrary type
  • extundelete : Investigation and recovery tool for ext3/4 filesystem
  • fdupes : Identify or delete duplicate files
  • file : A utility for determining file types
  • filelight : Graphical disk usage statistics
  • filerunner : A simple file manager with built-in FTP support
  • findutils : The GNU versions of find utilities (find and xargs)
  • foremost : Recover files based on their headers and footers
  • freedups : Hardlinks identical files to save space
  • freetype2-demos : A collection of FreeType demos
  • fslint : An utility to find and clean "lint" on a filesystem
  • fuseiso : FUSE module to mount ISO filesystem images
  • gloobus-preview : A Gnome extension to enable previews for any kind of file
  • gnome-commander : A GNOME file manager similar to the Norton Commander(TM)
  • gnome-screenshot : GNOME Screenshot utility
  • gnuit : A set of GNU Interactive Tools
  • gnupg : GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
  • gnupg2 : GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
  • gpsbabel : GPSBabel converts GPS data from one format to another
  • grsync : Synchronize files and folders (a GTK GUI for rsync)
  • hfsplusutils : Tools for reading Macintosh HFS+ volumes
  • hfsutils : Tools for reading and writing Macintosh HFS volumes
  • hfsutils-xhfs : A graphical interface for manipulating HFS volumes
  • html2text : A command line utility to convert HTML document to plain text
  • htmldoc : Convert HTML documents into PDF or PS format
  • htmldoc-nogui : Convert HTML documents into PDF or PS format
  • iat : Iso9660 Analyzer Tool
  • inotify-tools : Simple interface to inotify
  • kdf : View free disk space
  • keepassx : Cross Platform Password Manager
  • kfind : KDE file find utility
  • kleopatra : Certificate manager and GUI for OpenPGP and CMS cryptography
1-50 of 107.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.