Packages/Applications (Sciences/Other)

Filter by package name:
  • boinc-client : The BOINC client core
  • boinc-manager : GUI to control and monitor boinc-client
  • freehdl : Free HDL simulator
  • geda : GPL Electronic Design Automation Project
  • geda-docs : Doc for the gEDA project
  • geda-examples : Examples for the gEDA project
  • geda-gattrib : Electronics schematics editor
  • geda-gnetlist : Netlister for the gEDA project
  • geda-gschem : Electronics schematics editor
  • geda-gsymcheck : Electronics schematics editor
  • geda-symbols : Electronic symbols for gEDA
  • geda-utils : Netlister for the gEDA project
  • gnuplot : A program for plotting mathematical expressions and data
  • gnuplot-doc : GNUPlot Documentation
  • gnuplot-mode : Yet another Gnuplot mode for Emacs
  • gnuplot-nox : A program for plotting mathematical expressions and data
  • grace : Numerical Data Processing and Visualization Tool (Grace)
  • gramps : Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System
  • gtkdive : Buehlmann ZH-L16 model diving simulation
  • lib64geda-devel : Development libraries for the gEDA project
  • lib64geda38 : Libraries for the gEDA project
  • libgeda-data : Static data from geda
  • navit : Car navigation system with routing engine
  • navit-graphics-sdl : SDL graphics renderer for Navit navigation system
  • navit-gtk-gui : GTK GUI for Navit navigation system
  • ncview : Graphic for netCDF data file
  • pd : Real-time patchable audio and multimedia processor
  • qelectrotech : A tool to design electric diagrams
  • qtiplot : Data analysis and scientific plotting
  • scidavis : An application for Scientific Data Analysis and Visualization
  • wordnet : A lexical database for the English language
  • xd3d : A simple scientific visualization tool
  • xmds : Prepare for fast, easily-extended simulations

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.