
Filter by package name:
  • skanlite : An image scanning application
  • skobo : SDL port of Akira Higuchis game XKobo
  • skrooge : Personal Finance Management Tool
  • slune : A multiplayer 3D racing and car-crashing game
  • smc : Secret Maryo Chronicles - a 2D platform game in classic style
  • smplayer : Complete front-end for mplayer written in Qt5
  • sonata : An elegant music client for MPD
  • songwrite2 : Guitar tabulature editor with playing and printing
  • sound-juicer : CD ripping tool using GTK+ and GStreamer
  • soundconverter : Simple GTK+ based sound converter application
  • specto : An desktop application that will watch configurable events
  • spring : Realtime strategy game (inspired by Total Annihilation)
  • sqlitebrowser : Design and edit database files compatible with SQLite
  • sqljet-browser : SQLJet database browser
  • squeeze : Adavanced archive manager for the Xfce
  • stage : Presentation for calligra-suite
  • stardict : International dictionary written for GNOME
  • stardict-tools : Some tools for StarDict
  • starfighter : Project: Starfighter, a side-scrolling shoot 'em up space game
  • stellarium : Desktop planetarium in 3D
  • step : Interactive physical simulator
  • stepmania : Dance and rhythm game with 3D graphics and dance pad support
  • stopmotion : An application for creating stopmotion animations
  • subtitlecomposer : A text-based subtitles editor
  • superkaramba : Put Karamba applets to the desktop with Python
  • supertux : Classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller with Tux
  • supertuxkart : 3D kart racing game
  • svlc : Skinned GUI plugin for the VLC media player
  • sweeper : KDE System Cleaner
  • swell-foop : GNOME colored tiles puzzle game
  • swm : A small window manager for X11
  • sylpheed : A GTK+2 based, lightweight, and fast e-mail client
  • synaptiks : Summary Touchpad service for KDE 4
  • synergy-gui : Qt based GUI for synergy
  • synkron : A synchronization tool with QT4 GUI
  • system-config-printer : A printer administration tool
  • t-lasku : Finnish invoicing software
  • tables : SpreadSheet for calligra
  • tagtool : Audio file (MP3/OGG) tag editor
  • taskcoach : Your friendly task manager
  • teeworlds : Online multi-player platform 2D shooter
  • teg : Clone of a Risk clone
  • tegaki-recognize : Chinese and Japanese Handwriting Recognition
  • telepathy-contact-list : Telepathy contact list application
  • telepathy-presence-applet : Plasma applet for managing the user's Telepathy account presence
  • tellico : A collection manager
  • terminal : X terminal emulator for Xfce desktop environment
  • terminator : A simple way to run multiple terminals in a single window
  • texmaker : A QT-based LATEX editor
  • texmakerx : A fork of the LaTeX IDE TexMaker
851-900 of 1045.

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