
Filter by package name:
  • cvsps : Patchset tool for CVS
  • cvsutils : Collection of useful CVS scripts
  • cw : Non-intrusive real-time ANSI color wrapper for common commands
  • cwiid : Cwiid Wiimote Interface
  • cwstudio : Morse code practice software with extended features
  • cwtmp : Clean up utmp & wtmp files (discard entries; fix corruption)
  • cxf : Apache CXF
  • cxf-build-utils : Apache CXF Build Utils
  • cxf-build-utils-javadoc : Javadoc for cxf-build-utils
  • cxf-javadoc : Javadoc for cxf
  • cxf-maven-plugins : Apache CXF Maven Plugins
  • cxf-rt : Apache CXF Runtime
  • cxf-services : Apache CXF Services
  • cxf-tools : Apache CXF Tools
  • cxf-xjc-utils : Apache CXF XJC-Utils
  • cxf-xjc-utils-javadoc : Javadoc for cxf-xjc-utils
  • cxxtest : A JUnit-like testing framework for C++
  • cxxtest-doc : Documentation on how to use CxxTest
  • cyrus-imapd : A high-performance mail server with IMAP, POP3, NNTP and SIEVE support
  • cyrus-sasl : The Simple Authentication and Security Layer
  • d-feet : D-Feet is a D-Bus debugger
  • d4x : Web Downloader for X
  • dact : Dynamically choose best algorithm to compress a file
  • dadml : Database Access Definition Markup Language
  • dadml-javadoc : Javadoc for dadml
  • daemonize : Run a command as a Unix daemon
  • dahdi-tools : Userspace tools to configure the DAHDI kernel modules
  • dain-snappy : Snappy compression library
  • dain-snappy-javadoc : API documentation for dain-snappy
  • dansguardian : A content filtering web proxy
  • dansguardian-children-blacklists : Children Blacklists for dansguardian
  • daq-modules : Bundled DAQ modules
  • dar : Shell command to back up directory trees and files
  • dash : The Debian Almquist Shell (formerly NetBSD's ash)
  • dash-static : The Debian Almquist Shell (statically compiled)
  • dasher : Graphical predictive text entry system
  • datovka : Datovka is a free graphical interface for 'Datove schranky'
  • davfs2 : File system driver that allows you to mount a WebDAV server
  • db1-tools : Tools for Berkeley DB (version 1) library
  • db48-utils : Command line tools for managing Berkeley DB databases
  • db53-utils : Command line tools for managing Berkeley DB databases
  • db53_recover : Minimal package with 'db53_recover' only
  • dbench : Filesystem benchmark similar to Netbench
  • dblatex : DocBook to LaTeX/ConTeXt Publishing
  • dbp-gimp : David's Batch Processor gimp plugin
  • dbus : D-Bus message bus
  • dbus-c++ : Native C++ bindings for D-Bus
  • dbus-doc : Developer documentation for D-BUS
  • dbus-java : Java implementation of the DBus protocol
  • dbus-java-javadoc : Javadocs for dbus-java
1901-1950 of 28183.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.