Packages/Applications (Editors)

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  • nedit : A text editor for the X Window System
  • padre : Perl Application Development and Refactoring Environment
  • poedit : Gettext translation file editor
  • qxmledit : Simple XML editor and XSD viewer
  • scite : SCIntilla based GTK+3 text editor
  • texmacs : WYSIWYW scientific text editor
  • vim-common : The common files needed by any version of the VIM editor
  • vim-enhanced : A version of the VIM editor which includes recent enhancements
  • vim-halibut : Syntax file for the halibut manual tool
  • vim-minimal : A minimal version of the VIM editor
  • vim-puppet : Syntax highlighting for puppet manifests in vim
  • vim-puppet3 : Syntax highlighting for puppet manifests in vim
  • vim-X11 : The VIM version of the vi editor for the X Window System
  • xemacs : Highly customizable text editor and application development system
  • xemacs-el : The .el source files for XEmacs
  • xemacs-ess : Emacs Speaks Statistics package for XEmacs
  • xemacs-extras : Files that XEmacs has in common with GNU Emacs
  • xemacs-mule : The XEmacs binary with mule (MUlti-Lingual Emacs) support
  • xemacs-mule-el : The .el source files for XEmacs mule extension
  • zim : A desktop wiki and outliner
51-70 of 70.
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This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.