Packages/Applications (Games/Strategy)

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  • 0ad : Cross-Platform RTS Game of Ancient Warfare
  • 0ad-data : Cross-Platform RTS Game of Ancient Warfare
  • bos : A real time strategy game
  • bos-data : Data files for bos
  • bovo : Classic pen and paper game
  • corsixth : Open source clone of Theme Hospital
  • cultivation : A game about the interactions within a gardening community
  • flare : Dark fantasy single-player 2D action RPG using the FLARE engine
  • flare-data : Flare game data files
  • freeciv-client : FREE CIVilization clone - client
  • freeciv-data : FREE CIVilization clone - data files
  • freeciv-server : FREE CIVilization clone - server
  • freecol : Turn-based strategy game based on Colonization
  • glest-data : Game data for Glest
  • globulation2 : A state of the art Real Time Strategy (RTS) game
  • hedgewars : Funny turn-based artillery game featuring fighting Hedgehogs
  • hedgewars-data : Games data for the hedgewars game
  • killbots : KDE port of the classic BSD console game robots
  • knavalbattle : Battleship game with built-in game server
  • knetwalk : Turn the board pieces to get all computers connected
  • konquest : Conquer the planets of your enemy
  • ksirk : Computerized version of a well known strategy board game
  • kspaceduel : Two player game with shooting spaceships flying around a sun
  • ktron : Simple Tron clone
  • lincity-ng : Lincity - A City Simulation Game
  • megaglest : A free 3D real time strategy game in a fantasy setting
  • megaglest-data : Data files for MegaGlest
  • netpanzer : An online multiplayer tactical warfare game
  • openttd : An open source clone of the Microprose game "Transport Tycoon Deluxe" game
  • openttd-opengfx : OpenGFX graphics replacement set for OpenTTD
  • openttd-openmsx : OpenMSX music replacement set for OpenTTD
  • openttd-opensfx : OpenSFX sound replacement set for OpenTTD
  • pandemic : Cooperative pandemic board game
  • pmars : The reference implementation of Corewar
  • rftg : Race for the Galaxy
  • simutrans : Transport and Economic Simulation Game
  • simutrans-pak128 : A complete Simutrans game data package with 128x128 tiles
  • spring : Realtime strategy game (inspired by Total Annihilation)
  • springlobby : Cross-platform lobby client for the Spring RTS project
  • stratagus : A real time strategy game engine
  • teg : Clone of a Risk clone
  • trader : A simple game of interstellar trading
  • triplea : A networked open source strategy game
  • ufoai : UFO: Alien Invasion
  • ufoai-data : Data files for ufoai
  • unknown-horizons : A popular economy and city building 2D RTS game
  • warzone2100 : Post-nuclear real-time strategy
  • warzone2100-data : Data files for Warzone2100
  • warzone2100-videos-low : Low-res videos for warzone2100 (English)
  • wesnoth : The Battle for Wesnoth - Fantasy turn-based strategy game
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